Return Policy

Return Policy

Shipped and Returned:
For lost and returned items due to other reasons such as security checks, lost in transit, sent to the wrong address, etc., we will issue a full refund unconditionally.

For products returned by the customer due to insufficient address, wrong address, undeliverable address, unable to contact the customer and other reasons, the products will be returned. If the customer needs a refund, a 5% handling and shipping fee will be charged.

Delivered (Unused):
You can apply for a return or exchange within 14 days (14 days or more) after signing for the product.

The product must be unused, free of dirt, dust, or any fragrances, packaged, and in the same condition as when received.

Return process:
Please contact our website stating the item(s) you are returning and the reason for the return, along with a photo of the quality issue.

Upon receiving the return address and instructions from us, please pack the product to be returned in its original packaging.

Deliver the package to your local post office.

After returning the item, please provide a return receipt from the shipping company with the weight and return tracking number and we will expedite the refund/exchange. You will receive a confirmation email when the refund is issued.

Shipping Responsibility:
If the return is caused by the consumer, the consumer is responsible for the shipping charges. The exact cost will be based on the courier company you choose.

If the goods received are damaged or incorrect due to us, the consumer is not responsible for the shipping cost for this.

Above is our return policy, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.